Our Commitment to Sustainability
Each year, SPLC strives to produce a conference using innovative practices that lessen our impact and reflect our social, environmental, and economic values. To this end, SPLC has developed a comprehensive set of Event Venue Requirements & Preferences, Food & Beverage Requirements & Preferences for use in producing SPLC events. Through these and other measures, SPLC models the practices discussed in our conference sessions to reduce the impact of this event, and illustrates ways other events can similarly reduce their impacts.
Additionally, SPLC began working with MeetGreen® in 2016 to manage conference logistics and provide leadership and expertise in sustainability related to meeting management. MeetGreen® is independently certified compliant with the ISO 20121: Event Sustainability Management System Standard. All aspects of their work for SPLC comply with ISO 20121 approaches.
Following are some resourceful measures we are implementing at this year’s Conference.
Destination Selection
Environmental aspects of the destination (Atlanta, GA) were considered when selecting the host city. Examples include venues and suppliers with environmental practices, availability of waste reduction and recycling, local transit, and energy and water conservation programs adopted by the host city, venues, and suppliers.
Meeting Facility Selection
A clause is included in the facility contract requiring the meeting venue to comply with the agreed-upon sustainability practices.
The hotel brand has a written sustainability policy.
The conference venue was chosen so that no ground transportation is required for attendees to get to the sessions.
The conference venue is easily accessible to the airport, off-site conference activities, and dining options via public transportation.
The hotel has a waste diversion program in place that includes:
operating procedures that promote the efficient use of materials (including working with event planners to avoid waste),
procurement practices that prevent waste upfront, and
Back of House recycling collection receptacles and procedures that divert recoverable materials from the landfill.
The hotel has energy efficiency strategies in place for lighting and HVAC systems.
The hotel has water efficiency strategies in place such as low-flow irrigation and landscape plants native to the area.
SPLC uses paper made with 100 percent recycled fiber and 50 percent post-consumer waste, processed chlorine free, for printed Conference materials.
All pre-conference communications are conducted electronically.
Conference signage is reused year after year whenever possible.
Program books are provided in digital format via the conference app.
Sponsor procurement is completed using 100% electronic communications (no sponsorship brochure mailed).
Pre-conference attendee logistics packet encourages sustainable choices attendees can make when preparing to travel to the conference, such as bringing a refillable water bottle/travel mug and packing fewer clothing articles to minimize carbon load on jet travel.
100% of the carbon emissions generated by travel and facility usage during the Conference are offset.
Attendees are encouraged to choose ground transportation options that minimize their carbon footprint and are given options from most sustainable to least sustainable.
When transportation is needed, vendors are surveyed to assess sustainable practices.
Guest Accommodation
Hotel staff is instructed to turn down the heat/air-conditioning, shut drapes, and turn off the lights when rooms are vacant.
A towel and sheet reuse program is in place for all sleeping rooms.
Food & Beverage
The venue offers recycling and/or composting programs
Use china/glassware for all banquet/catering functions.
Cloth napkins are used in all banquet functions.
No polystyrene products are used for banquet/ catering functions.
No bottled water is provided. Water stations are bulk dispensing only.
In banquet functions, condiments are served in bulk containers, except artificial sweeteners.
Eliminate the use of disposable service ware.
Menus will be chosen with local, organic, and sustainable products when possible, and plant-forward meals will be served.
Any seafood ingredients comply with Monterrey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch and/or Marine Stewards Certified.
Food on buffets and menus will be labeled for those with food allergies.
Label food on buffets and menus to showcase sustainable menu items.
Only 100% certified Fair Trade coffee and tea will be served.
Waste Management
Recycling bins for glass, plastic, metal, and paper are available on all meeting floors.
The facility has a surplus/donation program that repurposes materials.
The facility has compost collection receptacles and procedures that divert recoverable materials from the landfill.
Leftover and unused exhibitor amenities (such as tote bags, product samples, etc.) are donated to a nonprofit organization.
To avoid paper waste, exhibitors must print handouts with vegetable-based ink on 100 percent post-consumer paper and bring a minimum amount to distribute.
Meeting Management
All communications with speakers, sponsors, and the hotel are electronic.
Conference registration is entirely online, and confirmations are electronic.
Conference office equipment is all EnergyStar-rated.
All prospective vendors are requested to complete a sustainability survey and be assessed for sustainability initiatives.